He really has an eye, doesn't he? I would've never thought to hang Thomas wrapping paper from every stationary item! Such a creative use for packing tape! If you ever need to remove paint from your walls, I've got just the product!
P.S. My kid asked for a Chia-Pet for Christmas. What do I do about this? Will Chia-Pets ever go away?!
Looks like Garrett is getting into the spirit of the season! At least it isn't permenant marker! Maybe he needs a little instruction in paper chain making.
Ooooh! Good idea! I also need to remind him that Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus are not action figures...
So, get the kid a ch-ch-ch-chia!! He could be asking for a Wii, or a new kitty or a brother or something. I think they make a Shaggy chia...think of the miles you'll get out of that one!
Love the decor!
Not only do they have Chia pet and Shaggy Chia, they have Chia Head...I know this because of past, awful white elephant parties. Don't worry, the grass will die quickly and you can sneak it into the trash when no one is looking.
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