Garrett's school had a very cute concert for Christmas. I wish I could post the video, but I just can't figure out how and I'm sick of trying! This picture will have to do. Does the kid with his finger in his nose remind anyone else of Aron? Every time I see him I'm transported back to preschool myself! Anyway, such fun for a mom.
Garrett also had his class Christmas party and his last day at his preschool on the 19th. There were lots of tears and sobs (from me, not Garrett! Give me a break, I'm a first timer!). I've loved his school and his teachers so much! Leaving this school behind will probably be the hardest part of our move! (Oh yeah, we're moving back to California!!!! Merry Christmas to me!) Ms. Lynn and Ms. Lou have been so sweet and loving and they will be missed!

Ms. Lynn Ms. Lou
We've had a lot of fun this Christmas season. Other than the stress of a move looming, it has been great. Garrett is at such a fun age. He is old enough to understand the true meaning of Christmas, but still young enough to enjoy all the "magic". We had fun counting down the days, baking cookies, decorating a gingerbread house and singing carols. This year Garrett knew the words to more songs than just "Jingle Bells" and "Frosty".
We spent Christmas Eve with our entire "East Coast Family". A set of Great-Grandparents, Grandparents, some Aunts (pronounced onts on the east coast, not ants) and Uncles and a few cousins (all originally from Maine). It was a lot of fun and very crowded. Garrett scored on the gifts...wish Santa knew that, he wouldn't have had to bring so much!
Christmas morning was fun this year, too. I got my first "mom, have I slept long enough?". I didn't have the heart to tell him to stay in bed for a few more hours, but I should have. This has been a really long day! Garrett's favorite gift was his Monster Truck...or is it Tyler's favorite? It's hard to tell! My house looks like a tornado hit it and I've tried calculating how many more boxes I need to move all this new stuff, but I'm not going to think about that now, I'll think about it tomorrow! (I'm in Georgia, I can quote it if I want to!)
Merry Christmas!!!! OK, I take back my comment on Mom & Dad...thanks for the cute update! I love Garrtett's little grin with his teachers!
Can't wait to see you guys!!
Love the pictures of Ms. Lou and Ms. Lynn. Obviously Garrett loves them too. Maybe he can send a letter and pictures of his new home to the school. Bet the kids would like it.
p.s. you're going to have to hire a semi to move that monster truck!
Merry, merry (belated) Christmas. I haven't been on the computor for so long...I feel very out of the loop with my fam! I have lots of great pics, but haven't had the time to blog with them. Don't you love little (and big) boys at Christmas?!
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