...he's also the President of "I-Love-Thomas-So-Much-I- Could-Just-Scream" (ILTSMICJS for short). Membership comes complete with: Polyester, zip-front warm-up jacket; Cotton blend Thomas shirt; Elastic waist jeans emblazoned with the Thomas logo; and for the real fan, Thomas underwear. We have Grammy to thank for this wonderful purchase. I will be lucky to get it off his body to wash it, let alone burn it! Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Thomas, I just hate that he has somehow gotten into my child's brain and taken control! How long can this condition last? Is there treatment? A 12 step program, perhaps? Where did I go wrong?
That's funny!!!! Are there membership dues? Secret handshakes?
Just think of it this way...he's going to be obsessed with SOMETHING! Thank goodness it's something you can tolerate. But to be fair, I agree that it should have secret handshakes. No! He should wear a fez. HA.
Membership dues? No, just the occasional monitary donation at Toys R Us. I should see if I can write it off!
No secret handshake, either, but there is a secret language. Garrett uses words like rubish, cheeky, fiddlesticks, etc. I think these are popular words used in the UK, that's where Thomas lives! Sometimes he throws me a curve ball, but I'm getting it.
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