We gave Garrett the choice of a birthday party with friends or camping as a family and presents from us. He chose wisely! We went camping this weekend and had a great time! Now I don't have to throw a party, which I usually love, except our house is a disaster area with projects going on all over the place. We'll still have a little family party on Tuesday with cake, but that's it. Happy 4th Birthday Garrett!

We camped on the Tallulah River, it was beautiful. We went fishing and Garrett was the only one to catch anything! It was a huge one, though! It gave a pretty good fight, but he totally conquered it! He is quite the fisherman and Tyler couldn't be prouder.

The campsite had a cute little "mini-golf" course. It was pretty much the same hole repeated 18 times, but still fun. We had a great time and the weather was perfect. I love this time of year!