Thursday, August 23, 2007

"Mom, come look at this"

Usually, "Mom come look at this", means I'm going to have a mess to clean up. Not tonight! The letters aren't perfect, but you can definitely see the G-A-R-R-E-T-T! I am so proud of my little "genius", not even in preschool yet and he's writing his name. I know, every mom thinks their kid is a genius, but this is my blog and I can brag if I want to!

Friday, August 17, 2007

This is my "flip"...

We've lived in this "flip" for 2 years and haven't done a thing...until now. We should have taken pictures before we started, but we didn't! We started by painting the wall from white to Paper Bag Brown which made our light wood cabinets look pink! So, while Tyler was out of town one day, I started taking the cabinet doors down and sanding them. I didn't realize what a big job I had started, but it was too late to turn back! I'm still not completely done, as you can see. We've been living without drawer fronts for over a week now! Next order of business will be to get rid of the nasty vinyl floor and laminate counter tops! I'm hoping for black granite and wood floors (and to win the lottery). Tyler is a little more practical and wants to do tile, since he's doing all the work from here on out, I'm sure he's going to win! After seeing the pictures, I'm thinking new appliances would be nice...this could get expensive! We'll keep taking pictures to show off our progress and if we start any other rooms we'll take pictures before we start!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Well, here it goes...

Here it is, my first post on our blog! I was inspired by my sister to give it a try, but to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing! I'm completely lame when it comes to this kind of stuff, but I like the idea of staying connected even though we're time-zones away. The little guy is growing up so fast and will be starting preschool and "soccer" this fall so I'm sure I'll have lots of cute pictures and stories to post! I say "soccer" because it's a bunch of 3 and 4 year old kids I don't think we'll be seeing a lot of actual soccer being played. Garrett's just in it for the trophy anyway, he's got a little of his dad's competitive streak (look out Becks!). We'll keep you posted on how everything unfolds (or unravels).